The Watermill Family is Growing
During these trying times and feelings of uncertainty it is important to reflect on the positives and what matters most. At Watermill we are grateful for our friends, family and relationships – including our furry friends – our number one supporters, biggest cheerleaders, most loyal companions!
We are thrilled to spread the love with some pics of the newest members of the Watermill Family.
Everyone, please meet Ziggy Caple and Oliver Smudge Karol (Smudge for short)!
Ziggy was adopted from North Carolina in March by Watermill Senior Associate, Matt Caple. He enjoys chewing sneakers, naps, and playing tennis.
Oliver Smudge was adopted from Great Dog Rescue New England by Watermill COO and President, Julia Karol. He enjoys burying bones, hanging on to pant legs.
Despite social distancing protocol, Ziggy and Oliver Smudge have met the Watermill team through formal Zoom introductions. We cannot wait for you to meet them in person, hopefully soon.
Wishing everyone a healthy May.
-Watermill Team